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Default Odd, but it's a thought

"sf" wrote in message
, jmcquown wrote:
>> Of course I'm kidding, but... one machine would often bring in $900 in a
>> week at the old vender-rooney company. The fact that the company went
>> out
>> of business is absolutely not the fault of the machines.

> I can see why... we have a Coke machine in our staff room which is
> poorly serviced AND they insist on putting in things that we don't
> want. A large majority of the staff wants diet coke, eliminate the
> "tea" and other crap... fill those holes with diet coke and make a
> killing. Instead, the diet coke is out for weeks before they finally
> get around to refilling the machine.
> However, you gave me an idea... maybe the PTO should buy their own
> vending machine, fill it with what the staff wants and charge the 75¢
> we're used to paying. Think of it as a little money maker for the
> PTO.

Go for it! My husband, ever the entrepreneur, used to buy sodas by the case
and keep them in the company refrigerator, then sell them to the other
employees. (Of course, he had the job of shopping for the sodas and
stocking them.)Nobody else had done this even though they were always
wanting a soda, so he made himself a tidy little profit over time.
