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Default what to serve with calzones?

(Naomi Darvell) writes:

>Agreed on maybe a few too many ingredients. Between bacon, pesto and stuff
>say this will be heavy.

Eh, I'd say uninteresting, but that's me. I can down a pound of meat, pound of
veg, pound of carbs at a sitting.

But that's just me.

>On the wine:
>>And for heaven's sake try some wine with the meal instead of beer. Barolo


>I wouldn't recommend Barolo with a calzone.

Pourqoi? I like the heartiness of Barolo. Molto bene and all that. Ditto

>In fact, these days I wouldn't
>recommend Barolo at all. The really good stuff is very expensive and it's not
>something you pick up at a supermarket.

Okay, so Barolo's been cheapened. Any response to the pinot grigio? While I'm
not a fan of Vilco's recommended rose or lambrusco, I'll do white wine with red
meat and red w. with fish.

>Because it's become trendy, there's a
>lot of cheap stuff around and it's gross.

Wellyeah . . .

