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Default Odd, but it's a thought

Puester wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> So I did a search on eBay, just for grins. Sure enough, you can buy
>> soda machines. Some of them are cheap (mostly the "mini size"
>> ones), others will run you up to $1000. But if everyone is so gung
>> ho about soda, there is a very tempting thought to buy one of these
>> things and put it on my patio. Buy some 12 oz. cans of soda (or
>> beer!) at Sam's or Costco, charge a buck fitty per can and sit back
>> and collect the money!

> Hah! Back in the '60s, DH modified an ancient 10 cent
> bottled Coca Cola vending machine for his college fraternity.
> It had dispensed for a dime, he changed that to two quarters
> and modified the bottle slots to dispense cans of Budweiser.
> He was buying Bud for $1.50 a six-pack, so the profit was OK.

LOL! Now see, I'd really like to have one of those old, old machines where
when you put in your money the door latch would unlock and you grab a bottle
of cold soda.

> It worked quite well till some of the guys discovered that
> you could stick a skinny arm up the exit channel and "liberate"
> the cans for free. After lots of recriminations, the machine
> was disabled and the fledgeling business ended.
> gloria p

Someone always has to mess it up!
