It's amazing how in a Vegan group someone could hate a Doctorbecause he's a vegan
Beach Runner wrote:
> And cares about Animal rights. Are you published in so many peer
> reviewed papers. (Yes, there are popular press articles mixed in.)
> I would prefer a doctor that cares about life.
> # Barnard ND, Scialli, Turner-McGrievy GM, Lanou AJ. Acceptability of a
> very-low-fat, vegan diet compares favorably to a more moderate low-fat
> diet in a randomized, controlled trial. J Cardiopulm Rehab 2004;24:229-35.
> # Turner-McGrievy GM, Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Lanou AJ. Effects of a
> low-fat, vegan diet and a Step II diet on macro- and micronutrient
> intakes in overweight, postmenopausal women. Nutrition 2004;20:738-46.
> # Berkow S, Barnard ND. Blood pressure regulation and vegetarian diets.
> Nutr Rev 2004, in press.
> # Lanou A, Barnard ND, Berkow S. Calcium, dairy products, and bone
> health in children and young adults: A re-evaluation of the evidence.
> Pediatrics 2004, in press.
> # Jenkins DJA, Kendall CWC, Marchie A, Jenkins AL, Augustin LSA, Ludwig
> DS,Barnard ND, Anderson JW. Type 2 diabetes and the vegetarian diet. Am
> J Clin Nutr 2003, in press.
> # Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Turner-McGrievy G, Lanou AJ. Acceptability of
> a low-fat, vegan diet compares favorably to a Step II diet in a
> randomized, controlled trial. (Abstract) Diabetes 2003; American
> Diabetes Association 63rd Scientific Sessions Abstract Book, in press.
> # Barnard ND. Toxicity testing in the development of anticancer drugs.
> Lancet Oncol 2002;3:440–1.
> # Keller JL, Lanou AJ, Barnard ND. The consumer cost of calcium from
> food and supplements. J Am Dietetic Asso 2002;102:1669–71.
> # Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Bobela S. The current use of estrogens for
> growth-suppressant therapy in adolescent girls. J Ped Adol Gynecol
> 2002;15:23–6.
> # Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Hurlock D, Bertron P. Diet and sex-hormone
> binding globulin, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual symptoms. Obstet
> Gynecol 2000;95:245-50.
> # Barnard ND, Scialli AR, Bertron P, Hurlock D, Edmonds K, Talev L.
> Effectiveness of a low-fat, vegetarian diet in altering serum lipids in
> healthy premenopausal women. Am J Cardiol 2000;85:969-72.
> # Bertron P, Barnard ND, Mills M. Racial bias in federal nutrition
> policy, part II: weak guidelines take a disproportionate toll. J Natl
> Med Assoc 1999; 91: 201–08.
> # Barnard ND. Study design of an investigation of lactose maldigestion.
> Am J Clin Nutr 1999, 69: 1287–92.
> # Nicholson AS, Sklar M, Barnard ND, Gore S, Sullivan R, Browning S.
> Toward improved management of NIDDM: a randomized, controlled, pilot
> intervention using a low-fat, vegetarian diet. Prev Med 1999;29:87–91.
> # Bertron P, Barnard ND, Mills M. Racial bias in federal nutrition
> policy, part I: the public health implications of variations in lactase
> persistence. J Natl Med Assoc 1999;91:151–157.
> # Barnard ND, Kaufman SR. Animal research is wasteful and misleading.
> Sci Am 1997;276:64–6.
> # Ou****er JL, Nicholson A, Barnard ND. Dairy products and breast
> cancer: the IGF-I, estrogen, and bGH hypothesis. Med Hypoth 1997;48:453–61.
> # Haapapuro ER, Barnard ND, Simon M. Animal waste used as livestock
> feed: dangers to human health. Prev Med 1997;26:599–602.
> # Barnard ND, Nicholson A. Beliefs about dietary factors in breast
> cancer prevention among American women, 1991 to 1995. Prev Med
> 1997;26:109–13.
> # Wolfe M, Barnard ND, McCaffrey SM. Animal laboratory exercises in
> medical school curricula. ATLA 1996;24, 953–6.
> # Barnard ND, Akhtar A, Nicholson A. Factors that facilitate compliance
> to lower fat intake. Arch Fam Med 1995;4:153–8.
> # Barnard ND, Nicholson A, Howard JL. The medical costs attributable to
> meat consumption. Prev Med 1995;24:646–55.
> # Barnard ND. Human experiments: redrawing ethical boundaries. Appl Clin
> Trials 1994;3:34–6.
> # Butrum R, Barnard ND, Campbell TC, et al. Diet, nutrition and cancer
> in health care reform: a position paper of the American Institute for
> Cancer Research. American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington, DC,
> August 1994.
I notice that none of the bigots that say Bernard has no qualifications
in the field ignore this list of peer reviewed articles.
Yes, he's a believer in Animal Rights. I'm more concerned about a Vice
President that shoots caged birds than a doctor, with an adjunct Medical
Teaching Position, that cares about life. There is real research in
professional journals.
I don't agree with everything he stands for but we sure need the research.
Do be published in a peer reviewed journal demonstrates competence in
the field. You can attack the association but not his peer reviewed
journal articles. I have mixed feelings about animal testing. Much of
it is abusive, but I personally think there is value, but many centers
treat animals with abuse. This has been demonstrated repeated.
I also strongly object to much of Peta's tactics.
I disagree strongly with any stands supporting violence. But don't you
want to know about the research on meat on the digestive tract, milk and
osteoporosis, meat and cancer and similar research? There is no doubt
meat has no fiber.
I'm a part time musician and play every year for the American Heart
Association Dinner. They serve roast beef and cheese cake, and look at
me as bizarre for requesting vegetarian alternatives.
This is a Vegan News group. It attracts sick trolls that want to attack
those that choose a life style. I guess I would like to improve my
kill file in netscape. I seek advise.
Yes, eating a healthier meat diet and exercise would improve health
compared to typical amounts. Exercise is paramount regardless of diet.
No arguments. I want aggressive research. He's doing it.
If you want to argue his findings do so. His peers are best equipped to
do so. His articles must pass peer reviews for publication. Most are
on nutrition.
I will not be chased away from a Vegan news group. If there is a
legitimate discussion, against my position I welcome it. I will attempt
to ignore personal attacks.
I happen to choose a physician with a graduate nutritionist degree and
an MD and he was appalled by the lack of nutrition in medical school.
We also know phytochemicals are essential, yet how many doctors are
recommending them?