Thread: O' Charley's
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Default O' Charley's

Luciano wrote:
> We must cook our burgers well done to prevent E Coli poisoning. I miss a
> good rare burger, but with things the way they are, it seems nothing is safe
> anymore....thank goodness its still OK to eat a rare steak!

I'm sure glad I live in a state that hasn't mandated that. You can
still get rare burgers all over St. Louis.
> > wrote in message
> > Nasty, nasty, nasty. I ordered a burger med rare. It showed up well
> > done. My son ordered his medium. It ended up over well. They've got
> > these hot rolls that they bring out, but do they have butter? No.
> > They have this disgusting mixture of trans-fats and garlic that they
> > expect you to slather on. On top of that, they have the worst steak
> > sauce I've ever tasted.
> > We went there because someone said they had free kids meals with adult
> > meal purchase. They do, but I'll not be taking advantage of that
> > again.
> > Nasty.
> >
> > --Bryan
> >
