mmm.... rare prime rib...
"MrAoD" > wrote in message
Hot line was fun, I guess you could tell I was having a bit of a flashback
> there.
> Prep was also OK, come in early and open up. 20-30 lbs of shrimp, 10-15
lbs of
> bacon, 60 lbs of vegetables for slicing, another 20 of meat ditto, and the
> entire mise to prep [we called it setting up the line, the restaurant
> haute). Quiet time, getting your rhythm down, moving between the
> Life was pretty simple then and even though it paid for $hit I still miss
> sometimes.
> Marc "well I went home with a waitress, the way I always do . . ." Wolfe
> /WarrenZ
As you say, no money in it, except for the very few, but the rat-a-tat of
the restaurant business stays with you. Probably remember the good bits and
forget the customers who made one really frosty!