Browning top blade and chuck eye! THANKS!
In article >, Arri London >
> Stark wrote:
> >
> > Trimmed and cut into cubes I can't for the life of me get them browned.
> > They begin to brown, producing some fond, then Pfffft! all this liquid
> > appears, frothing, diluting the fond and probably boiling my beef.
> Poor quality meat
> Oil not hot enough
> Pan too crowded
I was browning 3 1/2 pounds of beef cubes. I trust the meat; the pan
was obviously too full. In three crowded batches it took a little over
30 minutes. An uncrowded pan would mean 6 or 7 batches. Sounds like a
plan, but dangit! I'll have to get up before 10:00.
Thanks to all.