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Default what to serve with calzones?

> sf
>Date: 2/19/2004 11:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>On 19 Feb 2004 16:59:31 GMT,
(MrAoD) wrote:
>> We both like collards (I like most kales, even have been known to go the
>> backyard and pick pis-en-lit for the salad) but she can't abide the smell

>> collards cooking in the house, and I can't abide canned collards. Memo to
>> self: makee certain wife-to-be likee same-same food.

>Have you tried beet greens? They are my absolute FAVORITE,
>when I can find them. These days, unfortunately you have to
>grow the beets just to get the greens.

I like beet greens too, but like you I have a tough time finding them and since
my wife doesn't like beets I don't grow them. My father-in-law grows turnips
for the greens and those are the absolute best I've ever had, direct from the
garden to the pot.



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