In article >,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
(Barb's soup tale ditched)
> As far as texture, after you puree the solids, run the result through the
> finest screen of a food mill. You may also want to add a bit of cream for
> that texture. Blades, no matter what kind, are no match for a mill.
How well I know - I always puree fruit for butters with a food mill vs a
blender or fp.
I picked up some amazing squash this afternoon at the local farmers
market (no picture <oh, darn>, but I wrote about it on my webpage> and
put it through the mill. Sublime, I'm thinking, if I get to making any
soup with it. I've been nibbling -- this thing needs no sugar, honey,
butter, nothin'! I'm thinking I'll some VT maply syrup that I picked
up there in July. And I know I've got some cheap brandy around - and
possibly some good stuff, too. Is cognac too high falutin'? I probably
won't bother with the pecans since it will be just for me.
Hmmmm I wonder if the restaurant where we ate it (Door County) would
part with their recipe.
--, updated 10-20-05 with a note from Niece Jo.