Chatsford Teapot
Carolyn wrote:
> Hello
> I am wishing to buy a Chatsford teapot for a gift for a
> friend. I am wondering how much tea would fit in the
> infusers that come with the different size tea pots. Is
> there anyone out there who could help me with that? He's
> thinking he would like to be able to fit around 1 oz of tea
> in the infuser basket, from which he would make a
> concentrated tea that he would dilute as he drinks it iced
> throughout the day. I wouldn't want to get him one that is
> too small. Would appreciate any help you might be able to
> give me.
I would get at least a 32-oz teapot; an ounce is actually rather a lot
of tea to brew at one time.
I would also ditch the infuser basket entirely, and pour through a
strainer when brewing is done. The basket is all-but-worthless, unless
you can somehow attach a handle to it and use *it* as a strainer.
(Actually, here at work I use the basket from my tetsubin as a
strainer, just taking care not to pour hot tea onto myself when using
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