Thread: College cooking
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Default College cooking

Very simple roast chicken.

First, go out and buy a probe thermometer. It will allow you to cook
many things perfectly the first time.

First and a half, turn on the oven to 350 degrees.

Second. get a whole chicken. Unwrap it. Look under the skin at both
ends and remove anything that doesn't look like it is attached (hearts,
livers, necks, packets of sauce). While you are doing this, remove any
excess chunks of fat. Rinse the chicken inside and out, and pat dry
with a paper towel. Let the chicken air dry for a few minutes.

Third, find some sort of roasting pan. You can use the aluminum kind
from the grocery store. Coarsely cut up some onions, carrots, and/or
cellery and mound this up in the bottom of the pan. Put mister chicken
on the pile of vegetables, breast side up (the legs will be pointing

Fourth, rub the skin of the chicken with olive oil (or any cooking oil)
and sprinkle with ~ 1 tsp of salt. Insert the probe thermometer into
the thickest part of the breast. Make sure that you don't hit any bones

Fifth, put the pan into the oven, and roast the chicken until the
thermometer tells you it is 165 degrees F. If you are concerned about
the placement of the thermometer, you can move it in and out a bit to
find the coolest spot.

Sixth. Take the chicken out of the oven and let it rest 10 minutes
before eating.

You can make roast chicken as simple or as fancy as you want, and
while the chicken is cooking, you have plenty of time to make salad
vegetables to accompany your meal.