Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Margaret Suran > wrote:
> > Finger food, of course. Just like Pommes Frites and Asparagus.
> > Roasted or fried chicken, too. There shouldn't even be a discussion
> > about these finger foods.
> Roasted chicken as finger food? You jest. Put Johnny away, Woman!
> He's no good for you!
> --
>, updated 10-20-05 with a note from Niece Jo.
You ever been to Medieval Times? You eat dinner in a big stadium like
restaraunt and watch jousting and sword fights and such.
Dinner is a half roasted chicken, little baked potatoes, and soup. And
BTW, when God eats chicken, he eats a half roasted chicken with his
fingers. That's why he made half chickens. So we could roast them and
eat them with our fingers.