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Default Tomorrow...the Pumpkins!

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> Tomorrow will be the annual ritual of cooking a dozen sugar pumpkins that
> I
> picked up at Whole Foods. Halved, cleaned, roasted cut side down until
> tender. Cooled, peeled, mashed, then roasted again very slowly in a large
> roaster, to evaporate more liquid. Frozen in 2-cup portions for pumpkin
> pies. Sunday the trial run of two pumpkin pies. One of those I'll freeze
> after baking. That should get us through fall and winter.

Boy, Wayne, you've inspired me. I've never done the fresh pumpkin thing,
but you make it sound pretty easy. Now I have heard that those sugar
pumpkins aren't stringy (once you clean 'em out). Are the seeds tasty when
roasted, as they are in a big pumpkin?

And you've reminded me...I have to get a little pumpkin for my kid to
decorate at Cub Scouts on Monday. May as well get a few and cook 'em up!
