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Default need name and recipe for this chocolate treat


I recently got a box of home-made chocolate squares (1/2" x 1/2", about
1/8" thick at most). My friend said her relative made it but she
didn't know anything more than that except all ingredients were organic
and that I need to finish them in a few days while they are "fresh."
(not a problem).

The texture of these squares is silky and smooth, probably made with
dark chocolate, not too sweet. They also hold their shape in room
temperature, does not melt in your hand when you pick it up, but not
"crunchy" like after dinner mints - they are a cross between really
dense mousse/fudge and softened chocolate, dusted with cocoa powder.

I found recipes for chocolate pate that seem to fit the ingredients I'd
imagine that go in this treat, but most of them say that the pate is
spreadable at room temperature, which means (I think) they cannot be
picked up and eaten like after dinner mints like these chocolate

Does anyone have any idea what these are, or suggestions on what I
could do with the chocolate pate recipe (if my hunch is correct) to
make it less liquidy and more firm so that it can be served at room
temperature and hold its shape like after dinner mints?

I'd love to make some of these come Christmas time for family and

Thanks in advance!
