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Default Which mushroom do you recommend?

James wrote:
> If you could grow your own, which ones would you grow?

Amanita virosa... hey, it's almost Halloween! heheheh

Small scale mushroom growing is really not a viable culinary venture...
right up there with raising Sea Monkeys. You'd be far better off
maintaining a selection of dehydrated mushrooms in your larder, and
then purchasing fresh as the various types become available at your
local markets.... otherwise purchasing the common button mushroom is
your best bet as it's always available and very reasonably priced,
especially economical in larger amounts... on Lung Guyland I used to
purchase them at the Latino market in five pound lugs at about $6-$7...
no way could you expect a reliable supply of even miniscule amounts
from a home project. I've bought mushroom growing kits but that turned
out more of a for-fun project, like maintaining an ant farm. If you're
very lucky you will see a few measly looking 'shrooms... those kits are
more of a kiddy science project.

If you're considering a large scale mushroom business be prepared for a
lot of horseshit.

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