Thread: Tea colours
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Scott Dorsey
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Default Tea colours

Mike Petro > wrote:
>On 22 Oct 2005 04:12:55 -0700, "TJV" > wrote:
>>In Asia teas are classified according to the colour of the infusion
>>rather than leaf colour. Hence black tea is red tea and pu-er tea is
>>black tea (if your pu-er is red then you probably aren't brewing it as
>>strong as in Asia - try brewing it gongfu style).

>Then what do you call young green puerh? What do you aged green puerh
>of which the liquor is truly red and never black no matter how strong
>you brew it ? For example right now I am drinking a late 70s green
>7532 that yields an chestnut colored liquor, what would you call that?
>Surely it is not a "black" tea based on color.

I would like a paisley tea, please. The plaid is not to my tastes.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."