Switching name and Hot Fudge Sundaes
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
> CooberGirl wrote:
>> Ok, I can't imagine that anyone cares much, but FYI, I've decided to use
>> a
>> cutesy nickname instead of just my plain old boring name. Will use
>> CooberGirl (Coober is the nickname of my youngest son; girl makes me feel
>> younger than 40, which I soon won't be).
> Your new nickname is fine with me, but just in case you and your son were
> unaware, I probably ought to mention that "coober" is a euphemism for
> "vulva."
> Bob
OMG!!! (Blushing furiously) I had no idea. It's just something my
then-3-year-old came up with when her brother was born.
But that makes it a pretty cool nickname, doesn't it? ;-) I will enjoy
the naughtiness for a while, and will probably end up in everyone's
killfile, and will switch back to something boring.
SOrry if I inadvertently offended anyone! THanks for the heads-up, Bob!