KitchenCraft cookware and waterless cooking
"Rich Bednarski" > wrote in message
: "Rick & Cyndi" > wrote in message
: . net...
: > Well... I have the distinct advantage of being a former
: > of Waterless cookware back in the 80s - but it was for a
: > time because I didn't like the way the way they were priced
and I
: > wasn't going to try to force somebody to pay for something
: > even I couldn't afford.
: You keep missing the point. If this stuff was so great why
wouldn't a
: reputable company manufacture and sell in in a more
conventional manner?
: Why, until the advent of ebay, could this cookware only be sold
through a
: demo/hardsell approach? If it can't stand up to the regular
rigors of the
: marketplace then how good can it be? If junk like Calphalon
can be sold
: conventionally but this stuff can't, well . . .
: And for the record, just a few months ago I was at my county
fair and sat
: through the demo and tasted the food. There was nothing wrong
with the food
: but it was nothing so special about it to change how I cook.
: Rich
: =======
No Rich, I didn't miss the point... as I have REPEATEDLY said,
there are SELLERS out there that DO NOT use the same marketing.
There are sellers out there that do not have the mark ups - but
they also don't do the demos.