I got this chicken
And I got this chicken sausage. If you were to cook them in a single
recipe, what would you do?
Both bird and sausage are free range. Okay, the sausage didn't range
far after it was ground, but the chickens from which it was made did
range a bit before the Great Grinding brought them low. D bought them
from a local small-time farm. It's one of those places where about a
dozen home-schooled kids, all 10 months apart in age, swarm your car
as you pull in the gravel drive. Kids with names like Jeddidiah and
Habbukuk and with impeccable manners. Cow Hill's not the buckle of
the Bible Belt. I'm guessing it's just one of the finishing stitches.
I'm thinking I'll bone the bird, cook the sausage, mix it with chopped
pecans, apple chunks, sweet potato chunks and ???, and stuff it into
the boned bird like a redneck version of a classic forcemeat.
Well not that redneck. No Little Debbie creme pies.