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Cindy Fuller
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Default Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act

In article >,
(Curly Sue) wrote:


Y'all knew I'd weigh in on this topic. While I'm a firm believer in
personal responsibility, I'm also a firm believer in corporate and
government reponsibility, Fast food joints that have recipes that are
standardized to the nearest gram should have readily available nutrition
information. If you've seen "Super Size Me", you'll remember that it
was a rare McDonalds that had their nutrition pamphlets out for
consumers. Government at all levels should get age-appropriate
nutrition and health messages and education into the schools and public
airwaves. I would also advocate taking all food- and nutrition-related
issues (safety, labeling, and the like) and giving it to one agency.
The current situation is hopelessly fractured and at the mercy of food
and grocery industry lobbyists.


C.J. Fuller

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