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Default Cleaning oven glass...?

On 23 Oct 2005 21:43:26 -0700, "chefjeff"
> wrote:

>Hi there,
>I would like to tell you of a little trick I learned, that has worked
>every time for the same situation as yours.
>I was told to take some paper towels, and well saturate them with 409
>Place the saturated towels over the oven glass (in a cold oven).
>Simply let the saturated towels remain affixed to the glass overnight.
>The next day, remove the towels (and all of the baked on crud), and
>sponge off the area.
>I hope this tip works for you.

Hi Jeff,

I neglected to mention that the glass is vertical when the
door is closed and opens upwards leaving the glass in a
horizontal position. So, there would be no way to leave
towels on the glass unless I disassembled the whole thing
each time I wanted to clean.

Thanks for your suggestion though,

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