Cleaning oven glass...?
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 08:04:16 -0400, Kenneth
> wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 00:18:36 GMT, cathy
> wrote:
>>On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 16:16:49 -0400, Kenneth
> wrote:
>>>I have a commercial baking oven. It has a glass panel in the
>>>front that is perhaps 8" x 30".
>>>Over time, it yellows, and I clean it.
>>>Currently, I use paper towels with baking soda. The job
>>>takes about thirty minutes, and a ton of towels.
>>>Is there a better way...?
>>>Sincere thanks,
>>Try a store that sells wood-burning stoves, they should have a glass
>>cleaner made for getting the burnt ash residue off the glass of the
>>stove door. The stuff we have is a brand called "Speedy White" and
>>it's called "Hearth and Stove Cleaner". We just cleaned almost three
>>years of accumulated crud off the stove door and it's as clear as the
>>day we got it. And this is a stove that's in daily use from October
>>thru May, and even occasionally in the summer.
>>Good luck!
>Hi Cathy,
>I thank you for the suggestion...
>I do wonder though if, over time, such a cleaner might not
>cloud the glass. I guess I could give it a try in one small
>area to see.
Nope, it doesn't cloud the glass. Part of the point with a wood
burning stove is to be decorative, so that you can see the fire
burning through the glass door. A cleaner that clouded the glass, even
after repeated use, would never be successful.