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Default Need Mail Order Source

"Bill" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> says...
>> Rob L > wrote:
>> > I'm laid up from back surgery for the next 2 months and I'm dying for
>> > some good Pulled Pork. Being that I'm the only one I know around here
>> > that Q's, does anyone know of a GOOD mail order source?
>> >

>> Rob, my kid brother had back surgery. Do what the doc says. Take it easy.
>> Don't crawl under yer car! Let yer SO do all the heavy liftin'.

> Ya, what Nick said. Had a biker friend have back surgery due to riding
> a hardtail too many years. Three days after he's out of the hospital he
> picks up a drug resistant staph infection and was dead of septic shock
> two days later.

He likely picked up the staph infection at the hospital that did the
surgery-- those places harbor the nastiest drug-resistant bugs.