Thanks for all your responses.... I had to make my choice
the day I wrote to this forum in order for him to have it
for his birthday, so unfortunately, I did not have most of
your input before making a decision.
I believe his pre-Chatsford practice was to stuff up to 7
tea bags into a coffee cup and pour the hot water over. Then
he poured that concentrate into ice and water making around
44 oz. of iced tea. He did that 3 -4 times a day, so figured
he was using 1 oz. of tea leaves a day. He's thinking with a
large enough pot/infuser he would be able to make the
concentrate for a full day at one time. I'm currently having
the same thoughts. Like Warren, I've been using a smaller
(24 oz) Chatsford pot and am thinking of buying a 36 oz. or
larger one.
Neither my friend nor I have delved into the bulk teas yet,
though we're looking for some now. He has looked more and is
having trouble finding co2 decaffeinated green and white
teas... would anyone here have leads on good bulk sources
that might have these?
The Adagio teapot looks interesting!
I settled on the largest Chatsford sponge sheep teapot I
could find, which was 36 oz. I'm kinda waiting to find out
how successful his pot is with the bulk teas before making
the leap for myself.
Thanks again....
