> In article >, panic_man says...
> >
> > > What city are ya in? There might be somebody nearby that'll take pity
> > > on ya.
> > >
> > I'm in Burbank, Ca
> >
I'm right up the road from ya in NoHo, but I haven't been smokin' much
lately. Ya might wanna check out:
Ribs USA (haven't eaten there in a couple of years)
2711 W. Olive Ave. @ Buena Vista St.
(Can't remember if I've been there, but at least they've got a bar ta check
the menu at ;-)
2825 W. Olive Ave.
BBQbyDan 661-600-2530 (I think he does catering, but maybe takeout, too)
34429 N. Sierra Pelona Road
Agua Dulce CA 91390
Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled War on Terror Veterans and
their families:
http://saluteheroes.org/ &
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