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Aussie Lurker
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Default Pavlova [Was: Australian/NZ cooks please]

"Phred" > wrote in message
>>Hi there - I recorded a mini pavlova recipe from a top NZ restaurant
>>cook the other day and followed the recipe diligently. I don't need
>>to describe the method - it's fairly standard. It was the cooking
>>that was the problem. The recipe required 30mins at 150 deg C and
>>then reduced to 130 deg C for a further 30 mins. Remove.
>>No oven option was mentioned. I cooked them on fan force.
>>They cracked all over the place. The insides were nice and
>>marshmallowy but the shapes had gone.
>>I want to know if I should have cooked them using the conventional
>>oven method and not anything to do with the fan.
>>Be glad of any help guys.


The oven temps and times mentioned are longer than I cook my large pavs for.
I use a conventional oven and I do a large pav with 6 egg whites at 150 for
15 mins and then 100 for 45 mins and then turn the oven off and leave in
there until cold.

I would suggest not using the fan and trying 150 for 15 mins and then 130
for 15 mins and then turning the oven off and leaving there for an hour or
so. It has taken me a while to get the results I wanted.

Good luck.

Aussie Lurker