Thread: Thanksgiving
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Default Thanksgiving

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> You must not ever have had turkey roasted right. :-)
> I know one poster (don't remember who) said that 90% of folks ruin them
> and IME I agree! The cooking times are WAY way way too long and the bird
> gets all dried out, even ones with that "pop up" indicator.

I've had poorly roasted turkey, wonderfully roasted turkey, deep-fried
turkey, government issue mess hall turkey and didn't like any of them.
Poultry isn't my thing in any way shape or form. I'm not a fan of
chicken, duck or goose either and last time I was in Scotland passed up
a pheasant dinner. I'd rather have beef, a really good ham, a nice
sockeye salmon filet, or a nice Icelandic leg or lamb instead instead
of bird.

The trimmings are another thing altogether - those I really enjoy.