In article . com>,
"aem" > wrote:
> kilikini wrote:
> > [snip]
> > I swear, it comes out so juicy. It's a no-fail bird. The only problem is
> > that you can't eat the skin because the skin turns out black-ish and
> > rubbery. But, but, but, the meat underneath? Absolutely to DIE for. This
> > is it for me. This is the ONLY way I will ever eat turkey again.
> >
> Sorry, the roasted, crispy, crackly, oh so flavorful skin is the best
> part of the bird beyond a doubt. No way would we give that up. -aem
Us, too. I roast at 500 degrees, rub all over with salt and pepper,
squeeze the juice from a lemon all over, push some sprigs of rosemary
under the skin, stuff the turkey with an onion cut in half, some
rosemary, a bunch of garlic cloves, the shell of that lemon. Roast for
about 2:15 for the size turkey we usually get. Crisp skin, moist meat,
amazing taste. We like it. You tent foil over it while you make the
gravy, to which I add bourbon, and it is a lovely meal.
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13