In article >,
OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> I have a very fast dishwasher that saves tons of electricity and water.
> ;-) It's called a pair of hands and a basin of hot soapy water. <lol>
> I clean up as I go when I cook, so I never end up with a sink full of
> pots, pans and utensils.
> Sorry, but I just _detest_ automatic dishwashers.
You live alone, though, right? We have a family of six. Some close
friends of ours have a family of eight, and we regularly have them over
(and them us). Just out two families is 14 people's worth of dishes.
We also regularly host our entire church for feasts. Now, we have
relatively small church, so we're talking 50 people, including kids, but
even if you use paper plates, that's a lot of silverware and pots and
pans and baking dishes, measuring cups, spoons, serving pieces, etc.
Ranee (who loves her dishwasher)
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13