On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 19:25:55 -0500, OmManiPadmeOmelet
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Ranee Mueller > wrote:
>> In article >,
>> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
>> > I have a very fast dishwasher that saves tons of electricity and water.
>> > ;-) It's called a pair of hands and a basin of hot soapy water. <lol>
>> >
>> > I clean up as I go when I cook, so I never end up with a sink full of
>> > pots, pans and utensils.
>> >
>> > Sorry, but I just _detest_ automatic dishwashers.
>> You live alone, though, right? We have a family of six.
>There are two of us, and dad tends to make enough dishes for several
>people actually. <lol> Seems to be a "guy" thing. ;-)
>It's ok tho'. I'd rather wash up after him than not have him around!
>> Some close
>> friends of ours have a family of eight, and we regularly have them over
>> (and them us). Just out two families is 14 people's worth of dishes.
>> We also regularly host our entire church for feasts. Now, we have
>> relatively small church, so we're talking 50 people, including kids, but
>> even if you use paper plates, that's a lot of silverware and pots and
>> pans and baking dishes, measuring cups, spoons, serving pieces, etc.
>> Regards,
>> Ranee (who loves her dishwasher)
>Different strokes! :-)
>it's just that, since you have to rinse stuff off before you can put it
>in the dishwasher, I just never really saw the point???
No you don't. If you have to, there's something wrong with the
I have a small kitchen so there isn't enough room to cook and wash
dishes at the same time. But if I had a huge kitchen, I'd have 3
dishwashers! My kitchen didn't have a dishwasher when I moved in; I
bought one within a month!
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself!