Wayne wrote:
> I can "enjoy" one very freshly roasted turkey sandwich made with breast
> meat. Must be made on the evening of Thanksgiving day, or no later than
> lunch the next day. Must be made on good white bread with mayo and
> lettuce. After that, if it's in our house, the cats get it. Now the
> cornbread dressing and sweet potatoes and fresh cranberry sauce I could
> eat for days and usually do!
Speaking of dressing, I must give credit to Gloria (Puester) for her
dressing recipe. It's the best I've ever made. She hasn't posted it this
year, so allow me to post it on her behalf:
1 package Pepperidge Farm seasoned bread crumbs
1 package Jimmy Dean hot sausage
1/4 cup butter
1/2 to 1 lb. mushrooms, sliced
1 large onion, diced
2-3 celery stalks, chopped
1 or 2 sweet-tart apples, peeled and diced
1 cup pecans
chicken broth
Bell's seasoning or other poultry seasoning
GLORIA'S NOTE: (My sister in law adds oysters to this but my family prefers
it without. You could also add dried fruit--apricots, prunes, golden
raisins, etc. which have been soaked to plump up.)
Sauté sausage, drain and set aside.
Melt butter (or use sausage fat if you prefer) in a skillet, sauté
mushrooms, onion and celery till tender. Add apples, crumbs and pecans with
enough broth to moisten. Add poultry seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.
Pack lightly into a greased casserole. Refrigerate until ready to bake.
* I generally use a mixture of half white bread cubes and half cornbread
* I add some kind of plumped dried fruit: I've tried dried cranberries
plumped in orange juice and I've tried Zante currants plumped in plum wine.
Both were good. Since I'm making goose with blackberry sauce this year, I
might include dried cherries in the dressing.
* I usually cut back on the mushrooms or omit them altogether. Depends on
what the dressing is accompanying: Chickens, Cornish hens, or capons can get
the mushrooms; turkeys do not. Waterfowl may or may not, depending on what
else is in the meal.
Tangent: Thinking about stuffed pork chops, I wonder how similar a stuffing
you could use to stuff a ribeye steak. Or even if stuffing a steak is a
good idea.