Thread: Thanksgiving
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Default Thanksgiving

Bob Terwilliger wrote:

> Speaking of dressing, I must give credit to Gloria (Puester) for her
> dressing recipe. It's the best I've ever made. She hasn't posted it this
> year, so allow me to post it on her behalf:

Thanks, Bob.

I haven't thought about Thanksgiving much this year because my kids and
their family/significant other will both be away for the holiday, but
here for Christmas. We'll probably have dinner with neighbors and I'll
cook a small turkey for the leftovers.

When I was a kid my aunt used to make a similar stuffing the day before
for pur dual family celebration. She also was the pie baker. We kids
couldn't wait for the stuffing to be finished so we could have "stuffing
sandwiches". My mom always cooked the turkey and most of the vegetables.

gloria p