Thread: Thanksgiving
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Default Thanksgiving

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> You must not ever have had turkey roasted right. :-)
> I know one poster (don't remember who) said that 90% of folks ruin them
> and IME I agree! The cooking times are WAY way way too long and the bird
> gets all dried out, even ones with that "pop up" indicator.
> Standard is 15 minutes per lb.
> We cut it back to 8 to 10 minutes per lb. and it comes out OH so much
> better! Even a meat thermometer does not work all that well! I think if
> it were to be put into maybe mid-thigh, it might.

Nothing grosser than under-done turkey though. I'd rather err on the
side of overdone.

> Once we learned that, turkey became wonderful again.
> We also quit stuffing them and started making stuffing in a separate
> roasting pan. You can still add drippings to it or smother it in gravy
> to get the extra turkey flavor.

I hate stuffed stuffing. It's just so gooey and ick! I like my
dressing with a crust on top.

> I also purchase giblets and necks separately and make the gravy the day
> before so I can make a decent stock. I still add the roast drippings to
> it to finish it off...

I cook massive quantities of necks in a large crock pot, a couple weeks
before T-Day. I then reduce the broth, freeze it and later use it for
gravy and dressing - very tasty! We like meat in our dressing and
