Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
"Doug Kanter" > wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Doug Kanter wrote:
> >> "aem" > wrote in message
> >> ups.com...
> >>>
> >>> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >>>> How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
> >>>> I know it sure makes cleaning them easier as the dogs really do a
> >>>> good job getting the "gross" off...
> >>>>
> >>>> I found, much to my surprise, that many of my co-workers join me in
> >>>> this practice when I've talked about it at work. :-)
> >>>>
> >>> Somewhere near 90% of pet owners feed table scraps to their dogs and
> >>> cats. According to the American Humane Society it's a bad idea,
> >>> introducing too much uncontrolled variety, and very often at least in
> >>> the U.S. too much fat, into their diets. Of course the dogs like it,
> >>> but the owners are supposed to know better.
> >>
> >> Sounds right, but cats that spend time outdoors introduce plenty of
> >> uncontrolled variety to their diets, usually with no ill effect.
> >> Moths, earthworms, and rodent brains are big favorites.
> >
> > That's normal for outdoor cats. Even indoor cats will go after flies and
> > spiders and such; it's the hunting instinct. It's funny to watch my
> > (indoor) cat leap in the air after a housefly has gotten in and buzzes
> > around her head. It's like it is teasing her. She eventually triumphs.
> > This isn't the same as feeding table scraps.
> >
> > Jill
> >
> >
> Yeah..I know. I'm just being a pain in the ass. :-) Another reason not to
> feed them odd stuff: I have a recipe for sausage/kale soup. I sometimes add
> shrimp, scallops or firm fish when I serve it. Gave 3 shrimp to my 4 month
> old cat on Monday night. All day Tuesday, she walked around farting. It was
> worse than when my son and his friends wolf down 1 can each of baked beans,
> to see who can be the king of gross two hours later.
Really??? Kitty is sensitive. :-)
My cats beg when I'm cleaning shrimp and I indulge them a little bit.
I've not run into that.
Fancy feast cat food makes Selene fart tho'.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson