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Nancy Young
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Default Poll: "Dog" washing pans???

"Curly Sue" > wrote in

> > wrote:
>>Table scraps and people food, nope. Sampson lived to be almost 18 under
>>watchful, loving eye
>>Would I let him lick a plate or a pan? No way.

> For my cats as well, I'm with you on both counts! An advantage is
> that they don't come around while I'm cooking pestering me for food.
> One of my previous cats, adopted as an adult, used to do so, and I
> couldn't turn my back on chicken!

Oh, you don't love pets watching you eat, drooling at every forkful,
pleading with their eyes to pleasepleaseplease gimme a bite? Bad
manners, I say ... my pets only got maybe a small bite after everyone
was done eating. Amazes people, Rascal would just sit quietly under
the table while everyone was eating, where's the dog? Couldn't
believe it.

Besides, people food isn't all that good for them, as other people have
said. Once in a blue moon I'd say Eggie! and my dog would be so
happy, I'd scramble one up for her for a treat. Well, she had horrible
allergies, and turns out one of her biggest was eggs. Whoops.

Funny, the neighbors would slip her a hot dog through the fence once
in a while, so if they had a barbeque, forget it. But she'd be so torn,
you're not supposed to watch, but they have hotdogs!!! Saw her
all conflicted, she finally ran underneath a forsythia and watched them
from her invisible hot dog blind. So funny.

But, no, I don't let the pets clean the dishes, I just stick them in the
dishwasher. They sit there unrinsed until I run a load, could be 3
days later.
