Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
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Peter Huebner
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Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
> How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
> I know it sure makes cleaning them easier as the dogs really do a good
> job getting the "gross" off...
> I found, much to my surprise, that many of my co-workers join me in this
> practice when I've talked about it at work. :-)
> And I know the dogs sure appreciate it.
Oh boy, I sure wouldn't want to end up a 2nd stage host for dog
tapeworm, or hydatids, or get infected with some of the other nasties
dogs carry around. Sheesh.
In fact, my (4)dogs are not even allowed across the threshold. Working
sheep and cattle dogs, collies. They do get the leftovers, but served in
the dog bowl, thank you very much.
The mere thought makes those treacherous juices flow under my tongue.
firstname dot lastname at gmail fullstop com
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