Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
On 26 Oct 2005 06:52:52 -0700, "Nancy1" >
>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>> How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
>> I know it sure makes cleaning them easier as the dogs really do a good
>> job getting the "gross" off...
>> I found, much to my surprise, that many of my co-workers join me in this
>> practice when I've talked about it at work. :-)
>> And I know the dogs sure appreciate it.
>> I also let them do the skillet once in awhile if I've cooked something
>> particularly messy. The border collie even gets her teeth into it and
>> scrapes things pretty well.
>Never, when I had dogs in the house. Their saliva is too slimey - it
>was bad enough just poking pills down their throats ;-)
>However, I would love to have a dog in the kitchen, just to keep the
>floor clean!
Dogs seem to have an uncanny sense of hearing when it comes to edibles
hitting the floor in the kitchen. It isn't just the scent, because my
Rosie does not come arunnin' when the prep work is being done, but if
I drop the smallest morsel, that Bichon is a white tornado into the
Of course, she has also been known to climb up onto the kitchen table
if edibles have been left there inadvertently when we go out. We left
a 4lb can of steel cut oats on the table a few days ago. It never
occurred to us she'd have any interest in it. We got home & she had
knocked it off the table, chewed through the plastic snap-on cover and
eaten quite a bit. It did not seem to agree with her, either, so we
were punished twice.