On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 08:46:31 -0400, "MoM" >
>"kilikini" > wrote in message
>> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> In article >,
>>> (ms. tonya) wrote:
>>> >
>>> > (OmManiPadmeOmelet)WROTE:
>>> > How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
I use bleach in my dishwater...
>>> Cheers!
>>> --
>> Tapeworms in dogs are caused by fleas, not heartworm. You need
>> for fleas, Heartguard for heartworm.
>> kili
>Actually there are products that combine both functions.
There is a product that does prevent heartworm and will control Round
worms and one other worm but it isn't tape worms.Revolution which you
apply to the back of their neck- cats and dogs. When I treat my dogs
for the icky looking tapeworm, that pill costs over $3.
Thunder dog
Farmers of 100% Kona Coffee
& other Great Stuff