In article >,
OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote:
> How many people here let the dogs "pre-clean" the roasting pans?
> I know it sure makes cleaning them easier as the dogs really do a good
> job getting the "gross" off...
> I found, much to my surprise, that many of my co-workers join me in this
> practice when I've talked about it at work. :-)
> And I know the dogs sure appreciate it.
> I also let them do the skillet once in awhile if I've cooked something
> particularly messy. The border collie even gets her teeth into it and
> scrapes things pretty well.
If you actually _really_ wash them afterward, I suppose it's okay,
though it still grosses me out.
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13