Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
In article >,
"Doug Kanter" > wrote:
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >,
> > "Doug Kanter" > wrote:
> >
> >> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >> > Doug Kanter wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> Good parents, good dog owners. I suspect that the opposite would be
> >> >> dogs
> >> >> which slobber all over new visitors, even as the visitors gently (or
> >> >> harder) knee them in the face. What the hell's wrong with people like
> >> >> that, pretending not to notice that people don't want to be slobbered?
> >> > I'm a good parent and a good dog owner. My dogs do lick plates and
> >> > cookware yet never slobber on visitors.
> >> > Goomba
> >>
> >> Good for you. I once entered a relative's house, and her stupid border
> >> collie leapt onto my chest, got her claw stuck in the chest pocket of a
> >> $600
> >> suit, and tore the left panel right off the jacket. Big learning
> >> experience
> >> for the lady. Expensive, too.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > <confused look> Why would anyone spend $600.00 on a suit jacket?
> > That's just wierd.
> The entire suit was $600.00. This was back in the late 70s, when decent
> suits were made here, and $400 to $600 was what it took to get a suit whose
> panels were sewn, not heat-laminated. If not sewn, they begin to pucker
> after a few visits to the cleaners.
> Now, you can get semi-decent suits for $300.00, if you don't mind sending
> money to a dictatorship (China). If you prefer not to support the kind of
> government you complain about at cocktail parties, you'll still spend upward
> of $500.00 for a suit.
Whatever works for you. :-)
I just cannot justify spending huge amounts of money on clothing.
It wears out too fast! I can't get most good pants to last more than
maybe 5 or 6 years.
Same for watches and cars...
And even most "american" cars or parts are now made in Japan and China.
Reality is difficult to escape from...
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson