Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> That goes for me, too. I have owned a Ford, two Chevys, several VWs,
> a Honda, several Toyotas, and now I'm on my 2nd Mitsubishi. Guess
> which ones I had problems with? The Ford and Chevys. I have the same
> type of bumper to bumper warranty on my current Mitsubishi that Jill
> has on her Hyundai. The only problem I've ever had with a
> non-American car was a broken timing belt on the Honda at 145,000
> miles. It was not a surprise, since its replacement was recommended
> well before that.
I had a 1983 Plymouth Horizon (Mitsubishi). It was a great car. I had
bought a cell phone basically for road emergencies. One day the timing
belt broke and I was just able to pull to the curb. Just as I reach for
the cellphone I realize I'm parked across the street from "Mechanic's
Row." Two different shop employees ran over and pushed it onto a repair
lot I chose.
Either my car had a heart of gold or my cell phone hated being used.