Thread: Thanksgiving
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Dave Smith
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Default Thanksgiving

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> >
> > You must not ever have had turkey roasted right. :-)

> No, I don't think that's it at all. I simply don't like the flavor,
> regardless of how it's been cooked. It's not a question of texture or
> moisture or any other characteristic that can be modified by method. I
> grew up in a family that didn't serve turkey. We roasted chickens; hens
> and capons. I love both. I also love duckling and goose. I simply don't
> like turkey.

I am with you on that. I have had good turkeys. They were nicely roasted and
had nice juicy, tender meat, good stuffing and gravy. It's still turkey. It's
not so bad if I have it at someone else's house because if I have it at home I
am faced with leftover turkey. It is good for one met reheated with gravy or
in Turkey Divan (Divine?) and a sandwich or two. Then I don't want to see it
again for 6 months. I look forward to the festive occasions where we have
turkey dinners, but I would like them a lot more if we substituted something
better for the turkey. I can handle a roast chicken once or twice a week, and
I love capon. I would cook duck more often except that they never seem to turn
out for me. I will take a pass on goose, unless some sells me one really
cheap. I am just not crazy about turkey. I feel the same way about roasted
ham. I will eat it is someone serves it to me, but I have never cooked one