Duck (was Thanksgiving)
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> Try the oriental markets for ducks.
> Prick them all over to drain out the fat and roast them on a rack in the
> pan so you don't have to pour off until you are done.
> Roast like a chicken, try some grated orange peel or other fruit and
> herb toppings.
> Duck really is superior to turkey, you will get no arguments from me on
> that. ;-)
> Lately, I've gone to cutting a duck up like a chicken and using the
> electric grill. The fat all drains off that way and I can rescue the fat
> for other projects more easily out of the drain drawer. I use a Hamilton
> grill...
Thanks, but I have tried duck at least a dozen times and every one of them was a
failure. I had given up on them a long time ago, but something possessed me to give
it one more try, and that one was the biggest failure of all. The skin turned out
like a neoprene wet suit. I did prick the skin all over. Sadly, duck as been
relegated to one of those dishes to be ordered in a restaurant because I cannot do
it at home :-(