Thread: Thanksgiving
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Wayne Boatwright
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Default Thanksgiving

On Wed 26 Oct 2005 03:33:28p, Christine Dabney wrote in

> On 26 Oct 2005 15:05:57 -0700, "SD" > wrote:
>>For some of us ,and I've seen several here, there is just nothing worse
>>than turkey period. No mater how it is cooked, we honestly just don't
>>like the taste/flavor of it! Under roast it, over roast it, roast it
>>just right, deep-fry it,'s still TURKEY! You'll never
>>convince us that we will like the flavor of turkey.

> Have any of you ever tried a heritage turkey? Supposedly much, much
> better than the turkeys we can get nowadays.
> I have heard of avowed turkey haters trying a heritage turkey, and
> really liking the flavor.
> The flavor has been bred out of the commercially available turkeys
> these days.
> Christine

I have to admit that I've never tried it, or actually heard of it.

There was one memorable turkey dinner in my life that I will never forget.
We spent Thanksgiving in NYC and stayed at the Pierre Hotel. Their dining
room served a dinner to end all Thanksgiving dinners, and it featured
roasted wild turkey. It was absolutely delicious and did not taste like any
turkey I have eaten before or since. I did try wild turkey one time after
that and I didn't like that either, so have never bothered again.

Wayne Boatwright *¿*

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974