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Default Poll: "Dog" washing pans???

In article . com>,
"SD" > wrote:

> Doug Kanter wrote:
> > "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > > Doug Kanter wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >> Good parents, good dog owners. I suspect that the opposite would be dogs
> > >> which slobber all over new visitors, even as the visitors gently (or
> > >> harder) knee them in the face. What the hell's wrong with people like
> > >> that, pretending not to notice that people don't want to be slobbered?
> > > I'm a good parent and a good dog owner. My dogs do lick plates and
> > > cookware yet never slobber on visitors.
> > > Goomba

> >
> > Good for you. I once entered a relative's house, and her stupid border
> > collie leapt onto my chest, got her claw stuck in the chest pocket of a $600
> > suit, and tore the left panel right off the jacket. Big learning experience
> > for the lady. Expensive, too.

> It wasn't her stupid border collie. I was HER STUPIDITY in not properly
> training the dog. Most dog "problems" originate with the owners
> inability to be responsible dog owners. You're blaming the dog for the
> failings of it's owner.
> SD

Yes... and no.

I have a Border collie and it's taken me two years of patient and
vigilant training to teach her NOT to jump up! <sigh> There is just
something about that breed of dog that makes that specific act difficult
to train out! They DO so love to do that! And to "mouth" the hand.

What finally worked for Jewely was to "allow" her to jump up on me with
a SPECIFIC command/permission to do so.

Once I started doing that, making her "sit" when she wanted so badly to
jump up on me, then commanding her to jump up on me now and then, the
problem went away. My housekeeper and her kids are my test subjects for
this as her kids (4 and 6 years of age) just adore Jewels and help me
"work" with her for stranger behavior. It's been a tough thing.

Jewely is a dog pound adoptee at about 9 months of age, and I've had her
for a little over 2 years now. I'm new to BC's and this has been a real
training challenge. ;-) I'm used to Shelties and Australian shepard type
dogs that are not quite so hyperactive.

I've spoken with other BC owners on dog lists and this is a very common
and difficult problem with this breed.


"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson