In article >,
Christine Dabney > wrote:
> On 26 Oct 2005 15:05:57 -0700, "SD" > wrote:
> >For some of us ,and I've seen several here, there is just nothing worse
> >than turkey period. No mater how it is cooked, we honestly just don't
> >like the taste/flavor of it! Under roast it, over roast it, roast it
> >just right, deep-fry it,'s still TURKEY! You'll never
> >convince us that we will like the flavor of turkey.
> Have any of you ever tried a heritage turkey? Supposedly much, much
> better than the turkeys we can get nowadays.
> I have heard of avowed turkey haters trying a heritage turkey, and
> really liking the flavor.
> The flavor has been bred out of the commercially available turkeys
> these days.
> Christine
I wouldn't push it. ;-)
There are even people on this list that hate free range fresh organic
chicken, and claim it's tasteless.
I learnt ages ago to respect others likes and dislikes.
Except for tofu.
Everybody should like tofu.
Right? ;-)
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson