Poll: "Dog" washing pans???
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> But, I do take good care of it and follow the maintenance
> recommendations. I've had it for 6 years now and it's only been in the
> shop twice, and has cost me less than $1,000 to keep going.
> I never had a Nissan that performed anywhere near as well.
> Granted, I've never owned a Toyota and I've heard nothing but good about
> them, I'm just not going to knock a Chevy since I've had such a great
> experience with it. :-)
I grew up in Motown. Dad worked for GM, Mom for Ford and FIL for
Chrysler. I can get family discounts and am considering a PT Cruiser.
First car was a used Toyota Corona. Served well for a year. Next car
was a brand new Civic hatchback. Served well until it was stolen.
Another car was an Olds Cutlass given to us and it served us well.
Next was a brand new Nissan Sentra, the basics, no radio or anything.
'86. Sold it to the woman next door and it's still running well. Car
now is a Subaru wagon, '92. It has rattles and such but still works.