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Joseph Littleshoes
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Default The "I Hate Wretchel Ray Thread"

WearingRAY-BANS! wrote:

> Who detests ~~Wretchel Ray~~ more than I do? Even her "official"
> dislike thread never came up with "Wretchel" HEH!!! So that's MINE,
> kids!! Invite me onto your board please!! LOL Her voice?? Her voice
> sounds like kittens stuffed into a lye soaked garbage disposal that's
> also grinding hunks of tar. Her "food" is crap. Her knife skills are
> so horrid one day she's going to chop off her own tits. Eeek!!
> Comments?

Saw her on Letteman last night. Of all the cooks he has had on his
show, she seemed to handel his goofiness better than any other. Plus
she stressed that she was a 'cook' not a 'chef' and made the distinction
of being self taught and not out to please anyone but herself. By which
i men she seemed to not care about fads or style or being 'popular'
Letterman seemed to be impressed with her work ethic and the sheer
volume of her stuff.

But this is the only time i have seen her and would not have heard of
her were it not for all the hype she gets here, where it seems she has a
large following. What is she on, cable or something?

I was surprised that Letterman, after swilling the wine and taking big
bites of butter, did not make a joke about his next heart surgery.