"stePH" > wrote in message
> Bluesea wrote:
> >
> > I've used the Chatsford basket as a strainer by holding onto the tab and
> > pouring very carefully so as to not get backsplashed. Using the tab as a
> > handle isn't something I recommend, but it can be done. It's easier to
> > the basket inside the receiving vessel and pour the brew into the basket
> > then retrieve it instead of holding it like a strainer.
> My "receiving vessel" here is a 12-oz mug that easily takes my
> tetsubin's infuser basket all the way to the bottom. Not much point in
> trying to fish it out with the leaves after pouring hot tea in.
Yeah, that used to happen to me when I tried a RoT brew basket. It's too
short and has no tabs so setting it in anything other than a cup was
pointless. The 4-cup Chatsford basket, OTOH, is tall enough for mugs and the
tab makes it easier to use as a strainer if one so desires.
> Instead, I hold it above the cup, at the edges with thumb and
> forefinger, and pour tea in the middle of it. Haven't scalded myself
> yet.
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