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Nancy Young
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Default Poll: "Dog" washing pans???

"Doug Kanter" > wrote

> I wish I could use them, but I have a corner lot. Anything like that would
> have to be 8 feet in from the curb to comply with the law. That leaves 8
> feet of open territory for the dog criminals and their filthy vermin.

I wish I could remember what was on a sign at the edge of someone's
lawn ... it was funny. It was curb height, and whatever it said, obviously
there was a 'turf war' so to speak, just as you describe.

Blows my mind, you get a dog, you walk it on your own property,
when did it become my problem. Jerks. Few times, this Weimeraner
(sp) was all over my lawn, and right up to my front door! Excuse me!
This guy was walking down the street, this was his idea of walking his
dog. Crapped all over my lawn.

Well, this guy is lucky I wasn't dressed for company, one day I was
looking out the side door, someone had left the gate open, the dog
was IN MY YARD. Two steps out the door, I would have shut the
gate and trapped the dog, mrwalkshisdogonotherpeoplesgrass would
have had to come get it. And hear it from me. And get THE LOOK.

I just thought of a funny story, this guy I worked with was extremely
heated under the collar about this subject. You did *not* want to
mess with his kids. One day his little daughter picked up a dog turd
from his lawn. Actual heat came off him telling me the story, he was

Now, I'm sorry to say this, I did have a picture of my dog ... well, we
called it 'AG has a cramp in her leg' (laugh), she had assumed the
position. Ron snapped a picture. I brought it in and, with a yellow
postit, I cut it into a shape (you know, like no smoking, whatever)
and stuck it on and left it on his desk.

Everyone thought it was hilarious. Mr. ****ed Off was still too mad
the next day to even crack a smile. No pun intended.
